=== Super Speedy Search === Contributors: dhilditch Donate link: https://www.wpintense.com/ Tags: speed, performance Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 5.8.2 Stable tag: 4.00 Requires PHP: 7.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Instant as-you-type search using native WordPress tech. == Description == Instant as-you-type search using native WordPress tech. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is this PHP 8 compatible? = Yes, and it's MySQL 8 and MariaDB compatible too. == Changelog == = 4.76 (25th July 2024) = * Reverted changes made in https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/117 for the advanced options - if you set one option in your wp-config, it was greying out all the other options after it - if you then saved settings, these other greyed out options were being saved as unchecked - for now, i've disabled access to those advanced options through the interface and re-added all the definitions to the defines.php file to fix this issue immediately = 4.75 (24th July 2024) = * Fix for non-woo sites - was trying to create an index to improve woo order search but was not checking for existence of table first = 4.74 (23rd July 2024) = * Fixed @petar777 reported issue with JS error on scroll = 4.73 (23rd July 2024) = * Updated JS for license checker - it had been affecting wp-admin overlays which heavily use JS to manipulate the DOM = 4.72 (17th July 2024) = * Fixed issue with ordering by title and other orderings, both for ordering coming from URL and default settings = 4.71 (11th July 2024) = * Fixed warning on plugins page caused by new settings upgrade * Added better messaging for invalid, expired and exceeded licenses = 4.70 (11th July 2024) = * #168 - Wrap the SSS advanced options in a hidden div, revealable only with a JS click https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/168 = 4.69 (10th July 2024) = * Hotfix for settings upgrade from yesterday = 4.68 (9th July 2024) = * Updated license checker to use new faster version = 4.67 (12th June 2024) = * #138 - Problem with slash "/" in search https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/138 * Added background code for Customization tab and Advanced Features = 4.66 (12th June 2024) = * Happy Birthday to me! * Fixed critical error occurring on some sites when searching category results pages, depended on ordering defined * Added back in the old option to the shortcode and widget to let users choose to 'refine' their search rather than start from scratch - option in shortcode is called search_what with everything/current/current_product_cat all being viable current options = 4.66 (23rd May 2024) = * #117 - removed all unused defines and moved the ones being used in advanced tab. https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/117 = 4.66 (9th July 2024) = * Updated license checker to use new faster version = 4.65 (7th June 2024) = * Found and fixed a bug caused by fix for 'subfolder' installs of WordPress - this was causing our ultra ajax to break and thus search speed to be slower - all fixed now * Found and fixed a bug in the code for #145 related to checking 'search visibility' vs 'catalog visibility' - removed the use of a function which is unavailable in ultra ajax - updated the code in the initial table build and table maintenance to respect exclude-from-search instead of exclude-from-catalog = 4.64 (6th June 2024) = * #145 - Fixed an issue where 'shop only' and 'search results only' were actually reversed in functionalit - If I edit a product and choose 'SHOP ONLY' it still appears in search results of SSS https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/145 = 4.63 (4th June 2024) = * Removed a couple of unused options from the settings pages = 4.62 (23rd May 2024) = * #127 - Fixed SSS Not Active appears on EVERY wp-admin page https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/127 = 4.61 (23rd May 2024) = * #63 - Give more control over the taxonomies search - allow admins to choose not to search taxonomy description and only search taxonomy titles. * #63 - issue - Set option to "No", rebuild tables, still searching in category description. = 4.60 (23rd May 2024) = * #111 - SSS Ajax does not work if WP Installed in subfolder https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/111 = 4.59 (22nd May 2024) = * #115 - move the options that on change affact the readiness status to the top in main tab = 4.58 (22nd May 2024) = * Changed default for define( 'SSS_FAST_VISIBILITY_CHECK', true ); back to true - had changed it to false while developing and accidentally pushed it = 4.57 (22nd May 2024) = * Added a filter to let users use PHP filters to adjust the output (called 'sss_posts_search_where') - https://www.superspeedyplugins.com/kb/super-speedy-search/faq/how-to-hide-or-show-items-in-search-results/ * Added a new optional file called sss-filters.php that you place in your theme folder - This is because our Ultra Ajax avoids loading the theme for speed, so the normal functions.php file would not load = 4.56 (16th May 2024) = * #116 - Added a preview to the Gutenberg compatible widget = 4.55 (09th May 2024) = * #116 - Make SSS widget Gutenberg compatible = 4.54 (1st May 2024) = * Added new definition SSS_ENABLE_WOOSA - if you use the Wooosa VidaXL DS plugin, add the following to your wp-config.php to enable their external images in our Ultra ajax - define('SSS_ENABLE_WOOSA', true); = 4.53 (18th April 2024) = * Fixed bug in new "don't set" option for default post type to fix broken suggestion links which were including post_type=undefined = 4.52 (12th April 2024) = * Cleaned up auto-build a bit by removing wp_die() calls = 4.51 (11th April 2024) = * Added "Don't set" option for default post type - enabling this will prevent the addition of &post_type=product etc to the URL - be careful with this, only use it if you have your default search template set up correctly otherwise it will search all post types = 4.50 (4th April 2024) = * #68 - Fixed issue for Active/Inactive SSS status for all overrides option = 4.49 (27th March 2024) = * #108 Add slug search to the back-end admin search and front-end search for searching terms and products and everything into SSS https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/108 * #102 Add Use Global Settings option to Super Speedy Search widget https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/102 * #89 Add button to SSS Settings Advanced tab to let users delete plugin data on deactivation https://github.com/superspeedyplugins/issue-tracker/issues/89 * Partial WP CLI commands to make it easier for users to build or rebuild the tables - wp sss rebuild all - wp sss rebuild cancel - wp sss rebuild cancel force - wp sss rebuild search - wp sss rebuild suggestions * This dev version includes partial working admin bar to help users know when SSS is running or not = 4.48 (21st March 2024) = * Added more word boundaries for exact search matches so if users enter any special characters, they are fully searched for now = 4.47 (20th March 2024) = * Fixed bug with item searches where the search contains + symbol - e.g. ?s=RB5009UPR%2BS%2BIN&post_type=product (where %2B = +) * Added short token weights - customers were reporting things could not float to the top if the search involved 1 or 2 character tokens - added SSS_SHORT_TOKEN_WEIGHT_MULTIPLIER definition, default 50, for the short_token base multiplier - post_title gets bonus weight of SSS_SHORT_TOKEN_WEIGHT_MULTIPLIER * post_title weight multiplier - will consider adding short token weights to post_excerpt and post_content = 4.46 (28th February 2024) = * Added search form override for the Astra theme * Added workaround for client with Astra theme where for some reason,