How we communicate We're not quite the same as other WordPress businesses

We don’t like email. It’s archaic. We prefer communicating through our Discord server.

Discord is better than email – it gives you a chance to chat LIVE with us and our performance fanatic customers.

Public questions in our Discord channels & through our website Q&A are heavily prioritised over private messages.

In fact, we do not guarantee to answer private messages at all. 

Private messages should be used only to send credentials or other private info that cannot be made public.

On the other hand, Dave Hilditch answers public Discord questions EVERY DAY as well as our website Q&A. 

Answering in public makes it far better for other customers to learn too, and makes it far easier for our Knowledge Base article writers to create generic FAQs for others to follow.

Public Q & A Answered Immediately

We receive notification in Discord
We answer as soon as possible
Our website benefits from the SEO of the Q &A
Other customers can find the answer
Our KB writers can write up generic FAQs
Clunky old-school interface
Not a real-time chat system, Discord is better


Discord Channels Answered Immediately

We receive notification in Discord
We answer as soon as possible
Other users get to see activity and assist
Potential customers see liveliness of Discord
Is searchable by others inside Discord
Our KB writers can write up generic FAQs
Uses the fantastic chat interface of Discord
We can paste screenshots, videos and more
Better for everyone! Come join our Discord!
This is the best option. Do this!

Private Discord DMs Ignored

Not searchable by other users
Not readable by our KB writers, can’t make FAQS
Not good for our SEO
Should be used only to send private credentials
Any DM should include a link to our channel chat
Annoys Dave

When we work We're not robots, but we do our best to answer questions every day

We aim to answer questions on our public Q&A or public Discord channels as soon as possible. That means that even when Dave is out of the office, he will answer your public question from his phone.

We are based in Greece, so our timezone is GMT + 2. That means that 12 noon in the UK is 2pm over here and it means 4pm in New York is 11pm over here.

Other than Dave answering questions at all times, our minimum office working hours are (in Greek times):

Monday – 7pm until midnight
Tuesday – 12 noon until 5.30pm
Wednesday & Thursday – 12 noon until 5.30pm then 7.30pm until midnight
Friday – 12 noon until 5.30pm

Saturday & Sunday – no guarantees other than public Q&A/public Discord.

We’ll also do our best to advise everyone through our Discord server and possibly our blog if we have holidays planned, but even on holiday Dave will answer the public Q&A and public Discord.

Top Priority

CRitical Bugs

We prioritise fixing critical bugs in any of our plugins over all other work. Critical bugs include bugs which break websites or break existing core functionality.

Fixing these will take priority over paid-for work.

Site-breaking bugs

They are rare, but if they happen we drop everything to fix them.

Bugs which break existing functionality

If we rolled out an update and it broke existing functionality, we will drop everything to either rollback the update or fix the bug and release another update.

Customer Support

Ask questions on our Super Speedy Plugins Q&A page or for even better and faster support join us on Discord.

We answer Q&A in this priority order:

  1.  Public Q&A on our website
  2. Q&A in our public Discord channels
  3. Private Q&A to Dave – please try and avoid this

Second Priority

Paid Work

We practice customer-driven development and we help clients with bespoke performance problems.

Performance Consultancy

We offer three different types of Performance Analysis – URL Analysis, Code Inspection, and In-depth Analysis. Learn More.

Subsidised Development

Add or boost a feature request to the top of our list for a discounted rate. Request or see existing Feature Requests.

Other Paid Work

We limit how much paid work we take on so we can focus on improving our plugins, but there are some other forms of paid work we will do.

Third Priority


Any bugs that don’t cause critical or major issues on the website.

Notices & Warnings

Deprecated notices, missing settings when first installed, issues that will possibly become errors in the future.  

Bugs with workarounds

Temporary fixes for non-critical bugs that won’t affect performance. 

Cosmetic bugs

Issues that can be fixed with CSS.

Fourth Priority

Unpaid Work

All work that isn’t specifically being paid for by clients and will always be working on in the background.

Customer driven feature requests

You can vote for which unpaid features we will try to get to first, submit your own, or boost with our subsidised development on our Feature Requests page.


Our products are great but getting our name out there is a slow process. Help us out by sharing on Facebook.


We are always looking to improve our products and with our cutting-edge plugins, research is an essential part of our development.


Knowledge base docs, articles, and educational videos. We aim to document everything as we go and Dave will regularly record his screen as he investigates something so others can learn.

Super Speedy Plugins