Loading speed of foundthru.com

. asked 3 years ago


I'm interested in your Scalability Pro plugin, but your showcase webshop (foundthru.com/shop) is very slow.

I've tested on my cellphone, 2 computers, and everytime the shop loads around 5-6 seconds.

GTmetrix show fully loaded time 4.8s, and Google's PSI - Mobile 33, Desktop 54.

Wasn't your plugin supposted to be a must-have plugin for WP speed?

Best regards

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

The pages are uncached so you can see the raw performance. There’s no point me showing you cached page speed.

Here’s a screenshot of the page generation time from Query Monitor:


So – 4s maybe to load the extra crap like stylesheets and JS, but 1s for page generation time and 0.1s DB time on a $20 per month server with over 1 million products.

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