Manual input!!

adie d. asked 8 years ago

Vasil in response to your email no I did not get any answer from Dave (2 months) so I have done what you asked and posted new question.


1.I have updated the price comparison pro plugin.

But i notice the user has to manually input each products price comparison URL.

This will be very very time consuming for all users who have maybe up to 100000 or plus products in there woocommerce catalogue, who pull products automatically using affilaite websitess

1How do you utilize this plugin with your website that has 1000000000’s of products ?

2.Is there any way to do this automatically?, so that the price comparison plugin can search for products in the woocommerce catalogue database.

3.Go off and search the internet finding those same products matched with the products from woocommerce catalogue.

4.return the results with all the products url’s and automatically filling out the ADD PRICE COMPARISON URL for any of the woocommerce catalogue.?

On-site cart (woozone)

I remember you were in the process of developing something, a plugin? where the customer could add products to cart and finish the checkout process all on the same website without having to leave the website and checkout on the affiliate website?…..(thus creating repeat customers, not losing customers after checkout) plus potential of collecting email list of customers.

1.How does this work with affiliate products.

2.My own products alongside?

3.multiple items to cartcart?

adie d. replied 8 years ago

Any updates please to this valued question of manual input? “but as far as I am aware, the dev team is planning on doing something for it”

adie d. replied 8 years ago

Any news on my questions above and updates on answers to it. as there is a new version 2.01

Price Comparison Pro’s only limitation!!!!!!!!

Price Comparison Pro’s only limitation before the release of 2.05 was the inability to fetch prices from websites which use Ajax to load them. Using Ajax makes it impossible to grab the prices without simulating a browser fully, thus we came up with a solution to bypass this inconvenience in order to give you complete freedom while using our product.

Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Adie, at the moment I don’t think we have the function to automatically input all the URLs… but as far as I am aware, the dev team is planning on doing something for it. I will make sure to keep you up to date, I understand that very large websites with thousands and more of products will make this very time consuming.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

To automate importing the URLs you can use WP All Import or something similar and import the relevant URLs to the post meta table.

I don’t think that’s what you want though – I think you want the automated de-duplication of products already loaded into your database. This is something I’ve wanted to finish for a while (I have something in dev which is part-way there) but it’s not found funding yet and we don’t have time to attack it.

What I’m working on is getting the pre-orders plugin up and running so I can make a page for this, gather comments from as many people as possible, gather funds for it, then deliver.

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