Partitial Refund because faster woo widgets not working and no support.

Dennis L. asked 4 years ago

I asked a question about a month ago because faster woo widget is crashing my website by immediately use all resource after plugin activation . Until not no one answered and as i cant use all Plugins i paid for i want a partitial refund

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi – there is a plugin update that fixes this exact issue.

Please visit your downloads area and download core 2.75. Then go to your site admin Plugins > Add New, then upload the 2.75 zip file.

Then it’ll ask you if you wish to replace the existing plugin, confirm that yes you do.

The bug was my fault – I’d caused a recursive loop that never exited. Fixed it on Friday.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

I’ve seen cases where the permalink changes don’t stick – visit Settings > FWW, hit Save, then Settings > Permalinks and hit save. If it’s still causing an issue, please come to our discord server and I’ll help you out:

Dennis L. replied 4 years ago

Had to deactivate it . Let me know when i should activate it.

Dennis L. replied 4 years ago

Hi, Seems to work now but there is another bug. When i activate the plugin it seems to habe a problem with link. On our homepage are two banner at the top
Normalle they link to a landing page for example but when fww is activated it redirect to a product . I have activated the plugin so you can check it.
In fww Settings the remove product-category option is not activated.

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