WP Faster Widgets on multisite

. asked 3 years ago

Hi there,

Is the WP Faster Widgets plugin suitable for WP Multisites? If yes, do I need to have a license for each subdomain, or just one license for the main site? I have 1 main site with 6 subdomains.

If yes, I would like to give it a try (I have another filter plugin at the moment). However, I see in your refund policy that I will need to point out an issue - if after trying it out I simply feel more comfortable with the current plugin I have, would this qualify for refund? :)

Thank you and kind regards,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes, if after 7 days you still feel more comfortable with your current filters plugin then that would qualify for a refund! I would just ask you to tell me what it is that makes you feel more comfortable so I can look at improving Faster Woo Widgets.
When you buy, please download the latest BETA version – it has many, many more features in it to make your search engine optimisation as good as it can be.
Regarding multisite – Faster Woo Widgets works well on multisite and you only need the 1 license since it’s only really one installation that will be updated and supported.

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