Super Speedy Filters – Development?

. asked 5 months ago

We're interested in SSF but have some concerns / reservations:

  1. Plugin description here


    "– All other post type filtering coming February 2023."

Implies this content hasn't been updated for over a year?

  1. The promotional graphics for the Filters plugin

    say that it's Beta. Why would we pay hundreds of euros to Beta test something for a developer?

BTW, the breadcrumbs on your site lead to multiple 404s, e.g.


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 5 months ago

Hi – yes, you are correct, I have not updated the sales page in quite a while. We are entirely focused on building the plugins as you can see from the changelogs:

Come join our Discord server too so you can see how active we are every day.

Dave H. Staff replied 5 months ago

Also, thank you for the note on our breadcrumbs, I’ll get that fixed asap.

Your Answer

Super Speedy Plugins