Relevancy Options added to Super Speedy Search plugin

Dave Hilditch
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In todays Super Speedy Search upgrade, I’ve added a new relevancy options feature to let you choose how the results of the searches are sorted.

Previously, results were sorted using the default sort order provided by the MySQL MATCH operator. Now you can sort them by title relevance, content relevance or by ‘Best relevance’.

New Super Speedy Search relevancy options in widget settings

Screenshot showing the new relevancy options feature in the Super Speedy Search plugin, demonstrating sorting capabilities for improved WordPress search results

Best relevance is my own algorithm which basically multiplies the title relevance score by the content relevance score. From the tests I’ve been running, this produces the most accurate results but I’ve provided the other options too so you can experiment and find which relevance ordering works best for your products/articles/content.

This update also fixed a bug where if multiple post types were selected, some themes would produce a blank page because there was no template for that post type combo.

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