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Beta development of Faster Woo Widgets, Scalability Pro and Super Speedy Search continues at pace. If you’re out of the loop, you can see the latest activity on our live Trello board and you can comment on cards if you wish to contribute:
There are a few extra people who have requested access to the beta versions, so rather than continuing to manually email you all the zip file I’ve finally updated the account page on Super Speedy Plugins to include the beta versions for any plugins you’ve purchased.

You’ll notice the beta versions are available and further down the page you’ll see plugin version history of any core releases of plugins. I’ve not updated this for all our historic versions, it’s only moving forward, so currently the only historic version available is for Scalability Pro but every plugin release goes through a script so if you upgrade in future and there’s an issue you’ll be able to visit your account area here on Super Speedy Plugins and download the older versions.
The beta versions of the plugins are considered stable but they will include debugging info to the error log. If you display errors on your site (rather than sending them to debug.log) then please be aware of this. Obviously, the beta versions may include bugs we haven’t yet discovered in testing, so it’s recommended that you install these beta versions to a staging or dev version of your website.
If your current host doesn’t make it easy to clone your site so you can test plugin upgrades on a dev site then you should really consider changing hosts. On this note – I’ve had a few people asking for me to run a comparison of hosting options. I will get to this after all of the plugins have had an update, but if you’re wondering who’s likely to come out on top it’ll highly likely be GridPane, although obviously I’ll be as thorough in my articles as I always am.
Existing customers can view the new beta downloads here.